From a young age, Tasha and her three sisters understood that a healthy life meant eating clean foods. Her father, a military man, made sure that healthy eating was a priority for his daughters. Her mother, an amazing cook, always had home-cooked meals on the table for them to enjoy. Fast food was an occasional, special occurrence for her family. There was always much debate on which restaurant chain they would visit. Growing up on a farm meant that Tasha got to experience clean food on a daily basis. As special of a treat that fast food was, their processed ingredients never ranked as closely as the fresh ingredients she helped pick each day. Her family focused on staying self-sufficient and organic. The use of a grocery store was never needed often, as growing up on a farm (and in a farming community) meant that being self-sufficient was possible. Tasha’s family never saw meat or vegetables in plastic. Their dairy and eggs did not come from freezers. Instead, milk and butter came from a local dairy farmer and their eggs came from their own chickens. Eventually, Tasha left the farm to pursue and receive a Master’s degree in Business, Finance, and Marketing. Tasha was very successful in her pursuits after college and gained an interest in wellness and healthy eating by taking care of her husband’s parents.