CSA Box Subscription

Do you live relatively close to Sow Good Farms and find that you are tired of purchasing products that you don’t trust from supermarkets? You’re in luck! Sow Good Farms offers CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box subscriptions. By subscribing to our CSA, we will deliver a box of freshly picked, seasonal fruits and vegetables to you.

Worried about how you will make use of our box in your meals? When you subscribe to our CSA boxes, we want you to cook with us! You will receive a Facebook link that will teach you how to create a restaurant-quality, healthy dinner in 30 minutes or less. Our recipes will involve the items provided inside of our CSA boxes, as well as some standard pantry items that you have at home. Are you interested in providing fresh produce and berries to your family or are low income and looking for fresh produce? Call us (800-674-2183) and join our delivery list for 2021! Let Sow Good Farms CSA box act as a local grocery store for you with incredible ingredients for a great family meal. All of this will be delivered straight to your door!


Our boxes come in two sizes — medium and large.


CSA & Food Insecure Areas

We also offer an additional special CSA box, specifically for those who live in food insecure areas. Food insecure areas, often located in low-income locations or in urban areas, are places where it is hard to come by fresh ingredients. Obesity is often a problem in these areas, as residents have no other choice but to eat at a fast-food option. These CSA boxes have the same contents as our other CSA boxes, are offered at a low price, and can be picked up from local community venues. These boxes will give low-income families the same chance to log into Facebook and cook with their families to create a fresh, nutritious meal in 30 minutes or less. CSA boxes can be picked up by local community venue areas, such as churches, activity centers, and YMCAs. Sow Good Farms also offers smart device mentoring, free vegetable seeds, and compost to low-income communities. Backyard gardens are a great way to fend off food deserts, this is why we offer free teachings on them to better communities across the country.